This must be "death to good Google ideas" week. Yesterday they announced that Pay-Per-Action will be removed from AdWords in August. Today I received an email from Google telling me that Cross Channel Tracking is being removed, too! Cross Channel Tracking was a relatively simple way for advertisers to track conversions from 3rd party sources within AdWords. With the … [Read more...] about The Google Guillotine Has Fallen Again With the Removal of Cross Channel Tracking
Search Results for: google
It Is Time to Rethink Your AdWords Strategy. Google Is Saying Goodbye to Pay-Per-Action
If you use the Pay-Per-Action advertising feature in AdWords, it is officially time to rethink your strategy. Today, Google announced that they will be disbanding the Pay-Per-Action beta test at the end of August. In the past year I've really grown to like, and even rely, on this conversion source. When PPA was first announced in early '07, I was skeptical. Since that … [Read more...] about It Is Time to Rethink Your AdWords Strategy. Google Is Saying Goodbye to Pay-Per-Action
Give Us Your Feedback! What is Your Favorite Google AdWords Report?
One of the most important aspects of pay-per-click advertising is the ability to report on every detail of your account's performance. And of the PPC search engines, Google has cornered the market on reporting. Within AdWords, there are 12 basic reporting templates. Beyond that, there are countless options within each template for customizing the data your report will … [Read more...] about Give Us Your Feedback! What is Your Favorite Google AdWords Report?
Lead Quality of Google’s Pay-Per-Action: Good or Bad?
It's been a while since we discussed Google Adwords' pay-per-action (PPA) beta test. There was much debate when PPA was launched last year. Some heralded PPA has the future of paid search, while others snubbed their noses and said it would never work. Since last year I've been experimenting with this new distribution option with varied results. Recently, there have been … [Read more...] about Lead Quality of Google’s Pay-Per-Action: Good or Bad?
Yet Another Reason Why Your Ads Aren’t Showing in Google
Last week I wrote about a common problem that new advertisers have when opening a new Google Adwords account. For this client, the gist of the problem is their ads aren't showing because they've set their keyword bids too high for their daily budget. The error they were getting said that they had already reached or exceeded their campaign daily budget. Google sees this and … [Read more...] about Yet Another Reason Why Your Ads Aren’t Showing in Google
How I Get Special Treatment from My Google and Yahoo reps. And How you Can Too…
Establishing a good relationship with your Google and Yahoo representative is essential in the overall success of your PPC campaigns. Why you may ask? I have a cordial relationship with all of my reps at Google AdWords and Yahoo. I know that many advertisers may not even have a Google or Yahoo rep. to even try and gain a good relationship with. According to my Google rep, they … [Read more...] about How I Get Special Treatment from My Google and Yahoo reps. And How you Can Too…
The Honeymoon Is Over – My Infatuation with Google is Waning
For the longest time, I've admittedly been one of those search marketers that's always praising the almighty Google. Every new product was the best thing ever, and the mantra of "do no evil" rang true. This infatuation even bled into my mindset concerning the other search engines. Because I was courting Google, Yahoo! and MSN became second rate hacks that deserved my scorn. … [Read more...] about The Honeymoon Is Over – My Infatuation with Google is Waning
3 Google Analytics Reports You Aren’t Using To Boost Your PPC Campaigns – But You Should!
Too many times I’ve learned new things about a program when I wasn’t necessarily looking to learn new things. When using Google Analytics it’s really easy to get lost in all the data, but sometimes it’s necessary to take the time and see what information they have to offer about your account. In this blog post I’ll discuss 4 very cool and useful Google Analytics reports that … [Read more...] about 3 Google Analytics Reports You Aren’t Using To Boost Your PPC Campaigns – But You Should!
3 Google Analytics Ecommerce Reports That Will Improve Your PPC Campaigns
If you own an e-commerce site you know how important it is to get accurate reporting in order to manage your marketing programs. That’s why I use Google analytics. Google analytics is a free tool used for reporting on your site as a whole, not just on Google stats. It reports on all traffic sources, revenue sources, top landing pages, etc. But what I’d like to discuss today is … [Read more...] about 3 Google Analytics Ecommerce Reports That Will Improve Your PPC Campaigns
How to Troubleshoot When Tracking 3rd Party PPC through Google Analytics
This entire week is dedicated to helping you maximize your PPC results by utilizing analytics data. Today I thought I'd take another look at one of my favorite subjects – tracking 3rd party PPC traffic with Google Analytics. Previously I've written instructional posts on how to set up the proper URL tagging for Yahoo! and MSN adCenter. Several readers commented with … [Read more...] about How to Troubleshoot When Tracking 3rd Party PPC through Google Analytics
Not Sure Where to Start in Google Analytics? Here Are 5 Stats to Begin Analyzing Your Performance
There is a deep, deep well of information contained within Google Analytics that can help your PPC account. But if you're new to the program, where do you begin? To kick off our series of "Give Us 5 Days, and We'll Teach You How to Maximize Your PPC Results by Using Google Analytics" I thought we'd start with the basics. On your account Dashboard there 5 statics; here is what … [Read more...] about Not Sure Where to Start in Google Analytics? Here Are 5 Stats to Begin Analyzing Your Performance
Give Us 5 Days, and We’ll Teach You How to Maximize Your PPC Results by Using Google Analytics
If I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times – pay-per-click management and a working knowledge of analytics go hand in hand! Over the past year, all of us here at PPC Hero have written a post here and there relating back to web analytics, and that usually means Google Analytics. As we planned our newest series, we felt it was high time we made a definitive statement … [Read more...] about Give Us 5 Days, and We’ll Teach You How to Maximize Your PPC Results by Using Google Analytics