We love to talk about Conversion Rate at PPC Hero. Our job doesn't stop with acquiring traffic; we have to make sure that traffic ends up doing something of value - otherwise we've wasted our money. That part, however, isn't always easy. Our best intentions can sink for a number of reasons: No time or money for web designers / developers A boss or client who doesn't want to … [Read more...] about Optimize PPC Conversion Rates Without Touching a Landing Page
Search Results for: restructure
How Restructuring Improved Quality Score & Reduced CPA by 23%
Today's post comes from Chris Swan. Chris is a fully qualified PPC manager for Jellyfish with five years experience specializing in PPC. He began working globally for brand awareness clients, picking up on the importance of site engagement metrics as performance indicators - rather than sales. And as his role evolved he later worked with direct response clients with the all … [Read more...] about How Restructuring Improved Quality Score & Reduced CPA by 23%
Is Your PPC Account Running On Autopilot?
Quite frequently over the last few months, I’ve had conversations with either prospective clients or account managers from other agencies who have expressed the same concern/issue – “I’m worried the account has gone stagnant.” My first response is always to refrain from assuming the worst, as it’s actually a little difficult (in my very humble opinion) these days to set it and … [Read more...] about Is Your PPC Account Running On Autopilot?
6 Excel Tricks to Save Your PPC Life
It comes as no surprise to most of you, but we get a lot of mileage out of Excel in PPC. Seeing as how the AdWords and Bing Editors are capable of accepting spreadsheet uploads, and how each interface can turn out roughly a billion Excel-based reports, it doesn't hurt to brush up on your Excel skills from time to time. While every function listed here isn't always useful 100% … [Read more...] about 6 Excel Tricks to Save Your PPC Life
What PPC Certifications Should Really Be Testing For
PPC Certifications have been a hot topic as of late. One of the most popular posts on PPC hero is about Google’s Fundamentals Exam. I also receive a lot of questions about the best certification programs during webinars and at conferences. (MarketMotive is the non-Google PPC Certification, ipassexam is a great one for preparing for Google Certifications and I liked the most … [Read more...] about What PPC Certifications Should Really Be Testing For
Know When It’s Time to Delete Your Paused Keywords
The unending wisdom of Martha Stewart tells us that "there are few rites of spring more satisfying than the annual clean." In that spirit, PPC Hero's April series will cover some aspects of your accounts that are worth a good cleaning. Structure, ads, negatives and more will all be covered. There are tons of reasons to pause things within our PPC accounts. Poor … [Read more...] about Know When It’s Time to Delete Your Paused Keywords
Heroview: PPC Budget Tips For The Holiday Season
Yesterday's Heroview featured Amanda West-Bookwalter (Amanda_Westbook), where we discussed PPC Budget tips for the holiday season. __________________________________________ PPC Hero: We are super excited to have you with us today Amanda! Thanks for joining us! Amanda: Thanks for having me! I'm excited! PPC Hero: Let's start with you giving us a little more info about your … [Read more...] about Heroview: PPC Budget Tips For The Holiday Season
PPC Optimization Clinic Webinar Recording
Last week we held our 'Free PPC Hero Account Assessment Webinar,' where we held a live PPC optimization clinic where Larry Kim from Wordstream (the creators of the AdWords Grader) and our very own Sean Quadlin reviewed 2 AdWords accounts and pointed out areas of strengths, and uncover opportunities to improve PPC account performance. There were a couple of questions we were … [Read more...] about PPC Optimization Clinic Webinar Recording
Heroview — Onboarding New & Existing Client Accounts
Starting a PPC account from scratch is a far cry from taking on an existing PPC Account. In this month's Heroview Kayla Kurtz covers new & existing client accounts, their differences and why you should care! -------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to today’s Heroview, everyone! Real-time interviews featuring PPC experts from around the industry! … [Read more...] about Heroview — Onboarding New & Existing Client Accounts
Harvest Keywords & Scale Up with Broad Modified Campaigns and Exact Match Negatives
So if you haven’t already implemented broad match modifier terms into your existing PPC strategy I hope this article will provide some insight and inspiration for taking the plunge. I was recently tasked with reviewing the PPC campaigns in my new role at Ties.com and was both sad and happy with what I found. I was sad to find that there was 1 campaign with 2 ad groups and a … [Read more...] about Harvest Keywords & Scale Up with Broad Modified Campaigns and Exact Match Negatives
165 PPC Tips, Tricks and Tools (updated)
In early January we wrote 145 tips for 2012. It’s been a whirlwind year in the land of PPC so this is an update to that post with an additional 20 tips. These new PPC tips come from conferences, tests, failures and new Google services and features that have been rolled out of the past 5-6 months. The new tips are at the tope and numbered 146-165 and below them you will find … [Read more...] about 165 PPC Tips, Tricks and Tools (updated)
PPC Account Structure: Build It & They Will Come
Welcome to the third article in our April Showers Bring May PPC Flowers series. Today we will dive into structure and the building blocks of a successful PPC account. You’ve seen Field of Dreams, right? “Build it, and they will come.” This can be a challenge when you are handed a new client’s PPC account and you may secretly wish for Kevin Costner to help you out. You have … [Read more...] about PPC Account Structure: Build It & They Will Come