A big thanks to everyone who attended our webinar yesterday: SEO & PPC Myths Debunked and Where to Really Focus. We had a lot of great discussion with our friends from Intrapromote about SEO and PPC optimization. For anyone who’s interested, you can find both the recording and the transcript of the webinar below.
And speaking of PPC optimization, as a special bonus we’ve also included the recording and transcript of our Live PPC Optimization Clinic with Sean Quadlin from Hanapin Marketing and Larry Kim from Wordstream. Sean and Larry went through specific accounts submitted by readers and offered tips and tricks on how to optimize them.
SEO & PPC Myths Debunked and Where to Really Focus:
PPC and SEO: Dubunking Myths and Where to Focus Webinar Transcript
Live PPC Optimization Clinic:
Live PPC Optimization Clinic Webinar Transcript